Styles from the Big Screen, part 1

Do you often get pulled into the hype of styles and brands from the big screen?
Take the movie "Twilight" for instance, whose character Bella's blue cargo-style jacket with a "faux-layered" hoodie is now available for purchase at (pictured to the left).

I was very tempted to get this jacket, I will admit.
But I don't think I'm the only one.

How often have you seen a purse/ jacket/ shoes/ cellphone in a movie and you just had to have it?
(Don't lie, I saw you bite your lip)

Combining big screen marketing with the vastly increasing resources on the web, you can find that "gottahavit" obsession in a matter of minutes (or seconds depending on how fast you type).

Although this realm of marketing is quite genius, it can at times, be over done. There's the obvious brand showcasing of cars in every action flick chase scene (though I'm sure some guys were drooling over the A8 in Transporter 3), or emblazoning the "All-American" soda brand across 747's at take off (does it make you thirsty?).

Either way, I'd still bet my pretty penny that the pre-dotcom star-struck would've loved to know where to get their rare sought-after items reminiscent of the silver screen.

I will leave you with another item from
Holly Golighty's sleep mask, as seen in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

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